Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Today we celebrate Africa Day. We celebrate Africa Day on this beloved, beautiful but broken continent. Beloved because of her raw natural beauty, from the iconic Table Mountain in the South through to the plains, valleys, mountain ranges, rivers and deserts. Beloved because of her beautiful trees, flowers and veld. Beloved because of her majestic animals, the lion, the elephant, the hippopotamus, her horses, her cattle, her donkeys and her goats. Beloved because of her natural wealth, her gold, diamonds, platinum, oil and iron ore. Beloved because of her people, those whose ancestors have always been here and also those whose ancestors came from other parts and made Africa their home. Beloved because Africa is our Mother: she has nurtured us, she has fed us, shaped us and she loves us in return.

Today we celebrate Africa Day on this beloved, beautiful but broken continent. Broken because of the loss of her sons and daughters into slavery. Broken because of her lost mineral wealth that has been plundered and stolen from her. Broken because of her sons and daughters who fought for her but died in the process. Broken because of how her own people were subjugated and turned into servants and labourers. Broken because of how many of her sons and daughters lost their human dignity at the hands of other human beings. Broken because of how brother and sister Africans have turned against one another. Broken because of the wars that never end. Broken because of the diseases that ravage her. Broken because of the famines, the droughts and people who are starving. Broken because of how her people continue to suffer.

I stand in front of you in all humility as one of the sons of Africa, a son of Africa that bears the scars of Mother Africa’s pain. I am an anomaly, an unworthy son of Africa whose recent ancestors were adopted by Mother Africa, but who caused her much pain. It was they who arrogated to themselves wealth and privilege that cost fellow Africans their land, their dignity and their lives. I bear those scars and I carry that guilt inside me. My privilege is plain for all to see: my whiteness, my sense of superiority, my sense of entitlement, my liberalism. I stand in front of you, guilty but somehow and undeservedly forgiven by Mother Africa who now also calls me one of her sons. I too am liberated and stand proud as a son of Africa. Her forgiveness of me gives me hope for the rest of Africa, that Africa can and will be healed and restored and peaceful.

As a forgiven and liberated son I commit myself today afresh to Mother Africa, to this beloved, beautiful but broken continent. I commit myself to making right the errors and sins of my ancestors. I commit myself to Africa and her people; that there will be peace, wholeness and prosperity again. Please join me, fellow Africans, in doing the same.

I close with the words of Thabo Mbeki in his great speech “I am an African”:

“Whatever the setbacks of the moment, nothing can stop us now! Whatever the difficulties, Africa shall be at peace! However improbable it may sound to the sceptics, Africa will prosper!”

God bless Africa; guard her children; guide her leaders. And give her peace, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.

Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika

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